I was enjoying reading your blog and when I came to this paragraph
"For instance, imagine a photograph of an elephant that is reaching toward the camera lens with its trunk. Not only will the trunk seem shortened, but the end of the trunk closest to the camera will appear to be larger than the elephant's head, if viewed a certain way." (See Forced Perspective .)
This brought to mind an illustration I completed recently for Key Professional Media where this kind of foreshortening is used to make the illustration more dramatic. This ran July 18 in a supplement loaded into the New York Times. Thought you might like to see it.
Gorgeous, isn't it? And much cooler than the elephant's trunk thing I was describing.
I also received a nice note from author Michael Teal with complementary things to say about my website. Kind words are always appreciated!
Today I hope to finish a preliminary draft / template of a monthly newsletter for a client. I also need to finish an edit on a friend's newly-written manuscript. Robert has just about finished the initial web design for the Carol of the Horse site. I'll tell you all about it on Monday.
Of course, the big news this week is the impending Hawaiian photo shoot. It's official. Charles and I will be staying with Dr. Warson while we get the final images for his book. Next month this time it will all be behind us. But for now, it's something to really look forward to (a little bit of forced perspective at work in my own life...).