Monday, October 19, 2009

Child's Play

or, It's Never Too Soon to Follow Your Dreams

The facility director where I conduct a Writer's Workshop on Wednesdays through October received this email from one of the attendees:

"I wanted to tell you i thought it would be a little scary to be the only kid there but I'm having fun and i am learning a lot of things! Oh yeah! I almost forgot. I will be leaving at 7:45 each week because i have to go to sleep for school. Just wanted to give you a heads up. I will see you on Wednesday!"

The writer is a 5th grader. She comes every week and sits in the front of the room. She is taking the class along with 20 or so adults. All share a common love of writing. She takes notes, asks informed questions, pays attention, and participates. Those who know her say that she writes all the time. I envision an Pulitzer in the girl's future...

At this early age, she has learned what many writers take years to understand: if you want to do something -- go for it. So what if it's "a little scary?" Go! Learn! Participate! Get involved! Your dreams belong to no one else. If you don't take steps to make them reality, they will do no one any good.

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