Today is Hoosier Horse Fair & Expo day. My friends Denise Hettig and Chari Gilbert are going to join me for a working vacation of sorts.
We have a meeting with Dr. Langhofer who is a featured clinician (he's a leading authority on equine dentistry). He's going to put me in touch with a representative from Purdue University, and the Indiana Equine Extension Specialist. I want to talk to him about the merits of using some of Trafalgar Square's books in Purdue's veterinary science undergrad program.
The books are really good, and the professor from Purdue is interested in them. I'm just the facilitator. I'm not a sales person, but that's not my job. I am, however, very good at talking about books. So I'll do my best to answer any questions he may have.
Yesterday was a good, solid, productive day. Tracked down some promising leads for marketing a couple different titles. Finished writing the next chapter of He Who Will Not Call's photo book and sent it off for initial approval. Solidified part of a marketing piece (in the form of a Quiz), to be used next week at Equine Affaire in Columbus. Wrote a graphic designer I met at the MEGA Marketing Seminar and asked for a price quote for designing and self-printing "Carol of the Horse." And washed and folded a load of laundry. All in all, a good day.
A highlight of the day was hearing the news that advance copies of Geoff's book have arrived at Trafalgar Square! Yay! This is my favorite part of publishing. I should have a copy in hand early next week. Can't wait to see it.