100 Trainers. 100 Mustangs. 100 Days.
Early in June, 100 pre-selected trainers got their fresh-off-the-range BLM Mustangs (by lottery -- no choosing which horse they received). On September 22, those trainers will meet at the Will Rogers Equestrian Center in Fort Worth, TX, in a competition to see who has done the best training job. The Mustangs will be auctioned for adoption afterward.
Some of the trainers have started blogs on their involvement in the project:
* Cornerstone Training (Steve and Wendy Hilton Smith)
* Rockin N Ranch (Ted Noland)
* Bar T (Jimmy Thomas)
Here's a complete list of the 100 competing trainers.
While the Mouse is Away
... The cats have been playing.
Yes, I'm back. I swear -- I go on hiatus for the teeniest little bit, and all sorts of screws go loose. I logged on to post about the Mustang Makeover today, and --
lo and behold!
I was locked out of MY OWN BLOG! For some unknown reason, my blog had been flagged as a Spam Blog. (Mind you, one of the last posts I made several months ago did, indeed, use the word "spam." Because I had over 200 comments to one blog post and -- you guessed it -- not ONE of them was legit. So I disabled that little gizmo. As if I have the time to go through and remove 200 crap posts every day. Yeesh!
I DID, however, receive something recently that looked as if it came from me. It had my e-mail address on it, AND the picture from my Blogger Profile. If I didn't know who I was, I'd have certainly thought it looked legit. Good Lord. There's a special circle in hell for spammers...
So -- anyway -- since it appears that I can't stay away for any length of time, I guess the BlogWorld and I are stuck with each other.
My Life So Far
Been very, very busy lately:
* Got Theo (the Wonder Percheron) started under saddle (thanks to attending a great clinic by Cornerstone Trainer Steve Smith here in Coloma, at the end of May)...
* Am in the middle of a major project for the United States Hunter Jumper Association...
* Taught a 4-week Writer's Workshop in April...
* Completely updated and redesigned the Muse Ink writer's resource site...
* Been working as a story consultant for a feature film in development at Vineyard Productions...
* Was a featured speaker for Authors Access on "Ghostwriting, Co-Authoring, and Collaborating...
* Celebrated my 19th wedding anniversary this past Tuesday...
* And much, much more!

Also, July is the official release date of The Rider's Pain-Free Back. The book was excerpted in the May and June issues of EQUUS magazine -- something I found quite exciting.
So -- things haven't stopped here. Full speed ahead. And NO SPAM, please. This is a vegetarian establishment!